Saturday, March 6, 2010


Here are some pictures taken during several trips to Adrienne's parents' cabin on the gulf island of Galiano!
Galiano contains a thriving Hippy community, but there are many holiday houses and the population explodes in the summer. There is one pub called the Hummingbird, which provides a free bus that travels around the island mopping up tired and thirsty pedestrians.
Today the island is extremely quiet having only a few permanent residents made up of artists (and one film college?) which make their money during tourist season. There is a wide variety of animals and most of the island is covered in forest, although it's main purpose at one point was as a source of wood. Now the trees have reclaimed the island from people, even if there is less variety and a few more vaguely familiar scrubby bushes with sweet smelling yellow flowers.


  1. These better be from a VERY long time ago; you are supposed to be having to burn icicles for warmth over there and I see stuff like this? I shouldn't be having to endure chilliness down here at 35°N and seeing this, even if it is old. Have you informed the Barul, Abbi etc. that you will now be posting details of all of your daily triumphs and travails here?

  2. Yup, most of these are from last Summer and I think one of them is from Christmas. It was actually an uncharacteristically warm winter over here and an early Spring.
    I shall inform G and Abbi immediately!

  3. It looks very nice there. Feel the envy.
